Become a member

Become a member of AnArchi by filling out the form below! Not sure if you want to become a member yet? Keep reading!

AnArchi study association

Are you a student especially interested in Architecture and/or Urbanism? Then AnArchi is the study association for you! As a section association of CHEOPS (the association of the Built Environment), we focus entirely on the wonders of Architecture and Urbanism. By organizing activities, excursions, lectures and much more, we offer students the opportunity to deepen their education and get more in contact with stakeholders in the field.

Next to that, we’re also always there for you as a student. Whether you are not sure what courses to choose, need assistance with software programs or just want a friendly face to talk to, we’re there to help!

Lastly, we also provide one of the most essential items for Architecture and Urbanism students: sketch paper! We also sell scale figures for all your models! You can buy all these items at our desk on the 2nd floor, and members get a discount!

What does an AnArchi membership mean?

  • Fun activities throughout the year
  • Excursions to famous architectural and urbanism offices
  • Lectures by relevant people in the field about interesting topics
  • A 10% member discount on sketch rolls and scale figures
  • Free coffee, tea, and cookies!

Upcoming activities