Archiprint 18

Splendid Isolation

Volume / Issue 1 / 1
Editor in chief Andreea Sofineti
Editors Jacqueline Crans, Joyce Hess, Ilse Houbiers, Boris Koselka, Thijs Roozenboom, Andreea Sofineti, Akke Wagenaar, Jurian Weitz
Writers Boris Koselka, Andreea Sofineti, Akke Wagenaar

Archiprint 18

Archiprint 18, Splendid Isolation, explores the change in architectural landscape brought about by a driving force of globalization and urbanization. This theme is explored through the analysis of three case studies, which are dissected through a close reading of three conflicting, though extremely pertinent architectural texts: Charles Jencks’ The Death of Modern Architecture, Pieter Eisenman’s The End of the Classical: the End of the Beginning, the End of the End and Pier Vittori Aureli’s The possibility of an Absolute architecture.

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